
ME/CFS: Joint HOSC 12/11/09

The evening before the Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny meeting NHS Gt Yarmouth & Waveney issued this document
The document accepted that the change to the service in 2005 was significant and that the needs of all people with ME/CFS in our area are not being met. The NHS proposed:
- to provide the current service in more locations across Norfolk and Suffolk
- Norfolk NHS to take the lead on the commission a new Consultant service
- to provide GP's training

When the Joint Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee met the next day deep concern was expressed regarding the extremely long delay in providing adequate services for all ME/CFS Patients. The Committee recommended that:

- An acceptable (to patients/carers) consultant led service be set up as soon as possible
- Progress would be reviewed after 12 months but any concerns identified by LINks in the meantime should be taken to the Committee
- As the views of the Patient/Carers were known a formal consultation would only delay matters further
- The importance of the views of service users in gauging success

For more details please click here

ME/CFS Meeting 05/11/09

A meeting was held between Patient/Carer Representatives from Norfolk and Ian Ayres also NHS Norfolk. Ian Ayres confirmed that he will be contacting Commissioners from NHS Suffolk and NHS Gt Yarmouth & Waveney with a view to agreeing proposals for a way forward.