
ME/CFS Service Development Meeting 23/09/10

Concerns were raised by Patient/Carer Representatives regarding the description of ME/CFS on the Gt Yarmouth & Waveney 'Living Life to the Full' website. It was agreed that the concerns would be taken to the Long Term Condition Programme Board on 29 September 2010.

NHS Norfolk are continuing to explore options regarding the provision of a consultant. A response is awaited from the consultant and a meeting arranged with a second consultant. The possibility of contacting clinicians from Breakspear Hospital was also raised.

Amendments to the guidelines for GP's relating to referral to the ME/CFS Service were agreed. These amendments are to be taken back to the clinical team.

Concerns raised about a local website selling the Lightning Process suggesting that referrals were received from the Norfolk and Suffolk ME/CFS Service. NHS Gt Yarmouth & Waveney agreed to clarify whether or not referrals had actually been made.

Further details here