
ME/CFS Service Development Meeting 08/03/11

Negotiations are ongoing to secure a biomedical consultant. In addition the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital has been contacted to explore the possibility of the Hospital providing clinical and administrative oversight for a ME/CFS Consultant.

The draft Needs Assessment is almost complete.

NHS Norfolk are supportive of the work being done by Invest In ME to set up a UK Centre for Biomedical Research

NHS Suffolk have identified two locations where ME/CFS Outreach Clinics can be held. However NHS Gt Yamouth & Waveney do not have the staff to man the clinics. New staff will therefore need to be trained.

Patients commented that they did not have care plans or carer assessments. There is concern amongst people with ME/CFS and their carers that if social services are contacted there is a real risk of being misunderstood or misrepresented. In the past this has resulted in patients being sectioned under the Mental Health Act, parents being referred to the Family Courts or accused of Münchhausen by Proxy.
To read about the meeting in more detail click here