Another local MP Interested in our Service Development

The MP for Gt Yarmouth, Brandon Lewis has recently agreed to contact the Gt Yarmouth & Waveney CCG (also known as Health East) to raise our concerns regarding Service Development.

Local MP Jo Churchill contacts MP's in Gt Yarmouth & Waveney regarding Service Development

The 7 CCG's which commission the Norfolk and Suffolk ME and CFS Service will be meeting shortly.  They will be discussing the way forward in response to the feasibility study for service change which was undertaken in the autumn of 2016.  This study concluded that cost neutral service development can be delivered which addresses long standing inequalities of care, especially for those severely affected by ME and CFS.  The post, 'Hanging in the Balance' explains in more detail.

In the meantime members of our group have been contacting our local MP's to ask for their support for this unprecedented opportunity to deliver the care that patients have repeatedly told us they want.

Most recently, the MP for Bury St Edmunds, Jo Churchill has kindly agreed to contact Brandon Lewis MP (Gt Yarmouth) and Peter Aldous MP (Waveney) on our behalf.  Both Brandon Lewis MP and Peter Aldous MP have also recently been alerted by constituents of our group to the risks of further delay in delivering on promises made by the NHS to local patients in 2010. It is the hope of our group that the combined interest by local MP's can make a difference.

The service development process is at a critical and time sensitive stage after many years of work both by Commissioners and our group.  If you live in Norfolk or Suffolk, and are well enough, a letter or email to your MP in support of service development would be very welcome.