Meeting with NHS Commissioners 20 September 2016


A meeting has been arranged for 20 September to discuss the outcome of the feasibility study exploring what can be achieved to develop the service within available finances.

This meeting went well.  We discussed models of care and what could realistically be achieved within the finances available.  A follow up meeting is planned for October/November 2016. 

Meeting with NHS Commissioners 13 July 2016


Patients/Carers met with NHS Suffolk Commissioning and a clinician who has expressed an interest in leading the Norfolk & Suffolk ME & CFS Service.  The Service is currently commissioned by Norfolk, Suffolk & Gt Yarmouth & Waveney CCG's and delivered by East Coast Community Health (ECCH).

A feasibility study will be carried out over the summer to explore what can be achieved in the light of the new service specification and within the finances available. This feasibility study has been funded by Suffolk and Norfolk CCG's.  The Patient/Carer Group very much appreciates that funding has been made available for this review to facilitate the move forward with service development. 

A meeting has been arranged for 20 September 2016 to discuss the outcome of the review.